Two months to go. Let us just tell you, time flies any time, not just when you are having fun. We thought 2 years & 9 months would take forever to come, and it may have, but we were too busy to even think about it. In this article, Matt & I share our thoughts and ideas on the decisions we made so far and what’s to come.
Ins & Outs of Getting Underway Blog
The Ins & Outs of Getting Underway Blog…
Here is a quick scroll of all our posts from the very beginning, the Ins & Outs of Getting Underway, switching gears for a life at sea.
What did it take to make it all happen? It turns out, a lot.
This was a time of great learning. Sure there was learning how to sail and buying a boat and all that entailed, which was enormous, but what about learning how to survive and being self sufficient. Water, food, electricity, even just the idea of land or having contact at all had to be relearned.
All this took planning, and we were planning on succeeding…
and we did.
BB – France ~ Putting Those Last Pieces Together
How excited are we to connect those last dots and get a clearer picture of who, what, where, and how… we already knew the why, lol. From the Fountaine Pajot factory tour to visiting La Rochelle and meeting Pierre at Uchimata, on top of just enjoying France, we are more comfortable & confident than ever. We got this!
Tahiti ~ Real World Lessons
Waking up to paradise on earth in our little bungalow with a view was a dream come true. Tahiti did come with its issues though. We learned some important real world lessons of what we can expect in remote places. It ain’t going to be easy…
Too Many Great Pics of Tahiti!!
Just too many great pics of Tahiti. What a problem to have!! It is hard not to take a great picture of heaven on earth. Enjoy this gallery of fun and fav pics! All images sharable btw ;o)
BB – Annapolis Boat Show
The Annapolis Boat Show was definitely different for us this year. Last year was about the boat and this year was about the equipment. Maybe we don’t want the standard factory options, ya know? We were on a mission to see what was out there & learn everything we could. Learning our boat piece by piece so we can make well informed decisions – oh and party. It’s Annapolis!!
A Week of Sailing Firsts
Matt was fine. I was nervous. What if I didn’t like sailing? What if Matt didn’t like sailing? Everything would be ruined. What about all our plans? There was so much riding on this trip…
A Week of Sailing Firsts Top Pics
A gallery compilation of our amazing week of sailing firsts. Guest starring, Captain Chas, seasoned sailor and story teller, and Tim, the man who comes through at that perfect time, “Clutch.” If you see a pic you like, grab it! All images in this gallery and site wide are sharable. Be sure to read the article ~ A Week of Sailing Firsts. A great little story of our first 5-day sail, our first ocean sail, our first big seas, our first….you get the idea.
OCSC Sailing School
Matt and I looked at all the sailing schools in our area and decided on OCSC Sailing School. Decisions were made. No regrets. The best place to grow as a sailor.
Introducing the OCSC guest stars of “Ins & Outs of Getting Underway”
The real VIPs, the OCSC guest stars!! All these folks here are the heroes of our great learning experience at OCSC Sailing School. We did it together! All images are sharable. If you see one you like, grab it! ;o)
BB – Looking at Sailing School? Yep.
Now that we have done the research, Matt and I wanted to highlight some areas that may be helpful to someone looking at sailing schools besides Yelp reviews. Turns out practice location is a thing. Who knew that was a thing? I didn’t know that was a thing. Did you know that was a thing?