A Reality Check of Sailing Full Time

Boat with colorful sunset in Annapolis

One reality check…

After our high-fives and whoops, hugs and kisses, and voicing our big dreams of facing the world, we quickly realized we don’t even know how to sail.  Some would say, a minor detail…

So let’s learn how to sail!!  Seems like a perfectly logical number one.  We are cautious people.  Not scaredy cats exactly, but close, and do not want to put ourselves in danger.  Dying at sea really becomes a vivid reality when you take a sec to think about the possibilities and those last few moments.  Yikes!  Just typing it, sucks.  So, learn to sail we will do and we will do it well.

Well that was number one.  Boat, number two.  Strange not to think that wouldn’t be number one, huh?  We were applying the “Build it and they will come” theory, meaning plan for success and the rest will follow.  Actually, it is a quote from the movie Field of Dreams.  Such an average movie to get so much acclaim, idk right?

After another…

From here, things branch out a bit.  Arranging our affairs here on land with a residence to report to… to arranging our affairs to a life at sea with a boat to report to is not an equal swap by any means.  In fact, I can’t think of any one thing they have in common.  It is all completely different, and as we kept talking, the list grew and grew.

To start, legally, like insurance, taxes, passports, obtaining captain licenses, and learning customs.  Everything boat-wise, like learning how to sail, keeping people safe, rigging, sails, weight, storage, engine, and appliances.  Which the appliances alone branch out to gas, electric, water, each with their own consumption projections and redundancy.  Sustainable resources like solar, wind energy, water, and food.  Setting a maintenance schedule and doing the maintenance for EV. VOR. REE. THING.

After another…

Then there is where to sail, when to sail, and with who.  What to do in emergency weather conditions.  Health emergency tactics, where even a toothache could really change everything when land isn’t for 3 weeks, let alone a broken bone.  Considerations of wi-fi, radar, sonar, AIS, chart plotters, etc. with redundancy.

Sailing with sunset over our heads
In over our heads?!?! lol

On top of all of that, where we once could rely on the easy access and the comforts of a plethora of goods and services at any given moment, we will be completely shut off in every way for long periods of time.  Even once on land, there is a big possibility we will not be able to speak to the people there.

We should count on the ability of getting goods and services to be a struggle or not even possible.  Relying on ourselves is the only way, being prepared and independent as possible.  Maybe learn some languages?  And what on earth are we going to do for money!!!

A harsh reality check of sailing

Of course this all was getting overwhelming and our minds started to head to a darker place fast and furiously.  We revisited the question, what if someone is sick or gets hurt?  Two major, major problems to face.  Even worse, what if someone falls overboard?  Huge!  Scary!  How are we going to find them?  Will they have a life jacket on?  How to get this person back on board, especially if that someone is Matt.  He is so much bigger than me.  We were thinking but didn’t have any answers.

What if the boat sinks?  What if the boat catches fire?  What if we are in the middle of the ocean in a life raft?  The Life of Pi sucked!  

Read at your own risk

Being a redhead, my skin isn’t a huge fan of the sun.  It gets really upset when I am exposed for too long and lets me know just how pissed off it is.  Bobbing up and down in the ocean like a half full bucket, unprotected, would be just awful.  Matt would be fine.  He’d just be hot is al.

So needless to say, cause I could make this picture way more vivid, we agreed learning all about boat safety, advanced first aid, and emergency protocol is crucial.

The ultimate reality check of sailing

Understanding the ultimate risk is way too scary to think about but so, so important.  Sailing full time is a huge undertaking and cannot be taken lightly.  That is a good reason why not that many people are doing it.  It is an adventure, and like all adventure, comes a level of danger.

Will from Monday Never said, “From keeping the water out and the rigging up….  We have to take care of our home or she will kill us.”  True words, my youtube friend.  Everything is great until it isn’t and your skills are what get you out of those threatening times.  Some skills you can learn up front to better your chances and some skills you learn along the journey.

Ok, now that I scared the bejesus out of you… on a lighter note.

Living the dream

What to do with all our new found free time.  Whoop Whoop!  What we wished for all our lives is now at our feet.  Yes!  At least, I’m hoping this is a just “reality check” anyway.  I hope there is lots of time to do little projects, some reading, and learn some stuff… like languages.  Scuba diving is a must also.  Of course, that will have to happen before we go.  Cooking, making that food last.  Fishing!!  Sushi, mmm.  I always wanted to do that.  I have my book on standby.  Whittling.  Kite surfing looks fun.  Kayaks and paddle boards.  Guitar, definitely some drawing.

The payoff is definitely the freedom to do the conventional “nothing.”  Good thing I never get bored.  Matt, however, good luck sweetie.  I’m scared for you.

You know what they say... Sharing is caring! ;o)


  1. Anonymous says:

    My husband and I want to make a life change but the question persists- what will we do for money?? Even with everything being sold the money isn’t endless. What happens next? What conclusions have the two of you come to?

    1. Emily says:

      Hi! This is the question we all ask ourselves. I believe the answer is pulling from many different pots. No longer is there the guarantee of one answer between 9 to 5. Back to Economics 101, the supply and demand of goods and services. Be creative. What services can you provide and, not or, what products can you produce? Keep thinking. Adapt. Once you get over tunnel vision, you’ll branch out. Sailing can be done pretty inexpensively too tho, so every amount adds up. The boat/ocean having its own renewable resources and anchoring keeps expenses down.

  2. Kathy Oricchio says:

    Your words are so profound. But then I look at that oh-so-familiar but grown up face and beautifu, in Love Couple, and know all will Be Well.

    1. Emily says:

      Ahhh!!! What an adventure! Scary sometimes!!! We are about to see what happens, but, as you say, all will be well. Love you!

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