Galley stuff
The galley is all about comfort and joy. One of the great things about sailing full time is the ability to take your time in the kitchen. It is really wonderful to really get into making things fresh from the heart.
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12/10 Expensive beast but barring the chance of someone plugging this in the wrong outlet, eheh-ehem, it will last for more than nine years, instead of just nine years. Makes the most excellent coffee. You can actually see & taste the difference, iykyk.
Do the math for 9 years. Sixty cents per day for just one cup. No regrets at all, sorry.
Silicone placemats, coasters, and trivets, 10/10. Even though we got these in France, we feel compelled to recommend any of the same, so we put a link here in Amazon for the same thing. You choose.
We use the placemats for placemats but also under small appliances like the toaster, coffee maker, fruit bowls, soaps, anything to keep them still. Works like a charm. Super, super grippy & heavy enough not to blow away, which is even more amazing.
Tip – be sure it says non-skid, some are a hard silicone. You want the flexible, floppity kind.
There’s nothing too special to say about a colander. This particular model fits right inside the Magma nesting stainless steel pots we have. This is part of the set, which is nice.
These double walls are the best. You don’t burn your fingers and it keeps your coffee hot longer.
If you have a Jura, one of the best parts is being able to see the finished product… a truly stunning cup of coffee. You are able to see every layer as it appears to float in these glasses. Makes us smile.
Again, these double walls are the best. You don’t burn your fingers and your expresso stays hot longer. Pretty and efficient.
We do love a long stem, but let’s face it, they are not the best choice on a boat are they. So we opted for these stemless crystal tumblers. Perfect.
We use these for champagne, not beer. Matt really likes these. They are pretty, but to be honest, they stress me out. They seem a little top-heavy to me. We never had one tip, but Riedel does offer a stemless tapered flute that looks mighty fine. Had we not already had these, the flutes would have been my choice. Just saying.
Terrible picture… Love these tho. Every size is used all the time. Glass bottom for microwave. Stackable in the fridge. We love it so much, we bought a second box.
We use glass for anything ‘wet.’ So cut vegetables instead of using ziplocs… half cut tomato, cucumber & carrot all in the same pyrex. For leftovers, there’s no smelly or stained plastic. Easy peezy.
We love this too, have two sets. We use these for ‘dry’ stuff to get rid of packaging, so pastas, rice, flour, dried fruit etc. All stackable, airtight, and look really sharp.
There is this set and a set with larger longer pieces.
Tip ~ never use the scratchy side of a sponge to clean any type of plastic. That breaks the protective layer and allows for staining and odors.
It takes a little getting used to but it is the full package. Sharpens quickly and very informative. We are not knife sharpening experts so the more information and explanation the better.
Non-stick reusable BBQ mat. We use these in the oven too for sticky foods like potatoes or peppers so we don’t have to use so much oil. Cleans up so easy and just rolls away.
A blender is a must-have on any vessel. How else are you going to make frozen mud slides?! This one, however, also makes cold ice cream and hot soups right out of the pitcher! Love it. Available only in the US.
We are getting ready for induction, not sure when. Nesting is great. Taking the handles off is great.
Tip ~ If you buy another brand of nesting pots, be sure to look for metal under the handle at the connection point and not plastic. Heard the handle melts.
We did a lot of research to find this puppy. Ceramic filter. It’s the last barrier to protect your water should anything else be awry. We connected the same unit to our ice maker too… always thinkin’.
Natural aluminum, great quality. Even cooking. Comes up clean. Super strong, no bending or warping. Just good stuff.